Everbrite Coating will Restore Color and Luster to Faded Painted, Powder-coated, or Anodized Metal. Use for Painted & Unpainted Metal
Simple application methods: Dip, Brush, Wipe-on, or Spray - This product is Self-Leveling to eliminate brush marks and Self-Annealing for seamless blending.
Stops Tarnish, Rust & Corrosion on Copper, Brass, Bronze & more. Seal Porous Metals like Raw Steel, Rusted Metal, and Corten. Stop Drips & Stains
Protect Against Color Fading on Any Colored Metal, Contains Strong U.V. Blockers to Protect Metal from Fading.
This Everbrite Kit includes Everbrite Pint (16 oz.), EZPrep Cleaner & Neutralizer, Prep Pads, Microfiber towel and complete written instructions.